Kendra L. Mitchell

Headshot of Kendra Mitchell

Kendra L. Mitchell, Ph.D. is a professor who serves as a Fulbright Program Adviser at Florida A&M University (FAMU), the historically Black university (HBCU) where she earned her bachelor’s degree. Her experience as a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant during a time of student protest in South Africa has been invaluable in helping her students to see other perspectives.

Eugene Mutimura

Dr. Eugene Mutimura speaking at a podium. The podium reads "ALU School of Business." He is addressing a group of graduates.

Known in Rwanda as a mentor and prolific researcher, Dr. Eugene Mutimura advocates for his country’s development of science, technology, and education. While his scientific research is notable, Dr. Mutimura’s contributions to promoting young scientists and the growth of Rwanda’s scientific infrastructure are equally impressive.

Joy Buolamwini

Joy Buolamwini in pink eyeglasses, a tweed blazer, and a a colorful scarf holding a white theater mask and standing in front of a whiteboard covered in phrases related to implicit bias and healthcare

Joy Buolamwini is a leader and innovator making the world a more equitable place. A graduate researcher at MIT, Buolamwini leads projects that span the globe. She empowers young people to create technologies that serve their communities, encourages women to enter STEM fields, and uncovers inherent biases in the algorithms that shape our lives.

Margaret “Peg” Snyder

Margaret "Peg" Snyder headshot

Dr. Margaret “Peg” Snyder is known internationally as the “United Nations’ first feminist.” As the Founding Director of UN Women, she worked to promote and acknowledge women’s contributions to societies around the world.

Lee Evans

At the 1968 Summer Olympic Games, after winning two gold medals and setting a world record, Lee Evans participated in one of the most famous displays of activism in Olympic history. On the medal podium, Evans donned a black beret and raised his fist in the Black Power salute.

Na Eng

Na Eng headshot

Na Eng’s passion for telling stories has taken her on a remarkable journey around the world as a news and documentary producer and back home to Minnesota, where she is now the Communications Director at the McKnight Foundation, a major philanthropic organization.

John Hope Franklin

Photo John Hope Franklin.

An influential and prolific scholar of African American history, Dr. John Hope Franklin expanded the American consciousness, blazed a trail for scholars of color, and championed international education. His participation in and support of the Fulbright Program as a U.S. Scholar and Chairman of the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board benefitted local and global communities, one connection at a time.