Alito Alessi

Alito Alessi black and white headshot

Alito Alessi is a teacher, a choreographer, and the founder of DanceAbility International. He has changed the world of contemporary dance through his pioneering work with people with disabilities.

Muhammad Yunus

Muhammad Yunus sitting with a crowd of women

Dr. Muhammad Yunus’ lifelong dedication to empowering the world’s poor made him one of his generation’s most celebrated economists and the recipient of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize (jointly awarded with Grameen Bank).

William Tan

William Tan in wheelchair dressed in winter gear surrounded by snow

For Dr. William Tan, any challenge represents an opportunity, not an obstacle. A physician, record-breaking Paralympian, author, motivational speaker, and cancer survivor, his extraordinary life is a testament to the power of perseverance and helping others.

Na Eng

Na Eng headshot

Na Eng’s passion for telling stories has taken her on a remarkable journey around the world as a news and documentary producer and back home to Minnesota, where she is now the Communications Director at the McKnight Foundation, a major philanthropic organization.

Jennifer Lee

Jennifer Lee

What does it mean to be Asian American? Dr. Jennifer Lee, an award-winning author, researcher, and lecturer, has dedicated her life to addressing this question. She works to promote opportunity for all in the Asian diaspora.

Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson

As an Icelander, Minister for the Environment and Natural Resources Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson sees the impact of climate change up close: Iceland’s glaciers are rapidly retreating, and studies suggest that in two centuries there may be no ice left in Iceland.

Andrea Dutton

Dr. Andrea Dutton

In her own opinion, Dr. Andrea Dutton is less of a scientist and more of an “earth detective.” As an undergraduate music major at Amherst College in 1991, she could never have imagined herself, 30 years later, as a renowned sea level and climate change expert, and the recipient of back-to-back Fulbright U.S. Scholar and MacArthur Foundation Fellowship awards.

Lillygol “Lilly” Sedaghat

Lilly Sedaghat

When you hear “one man’s trash,” you probably think of finding treasures at yard sales and thrift shops, items left on the stoop for passersby to take home. You may not think of the tons of actual waste dumped daily into landfills across the planet, but storyteller and environmentalist Lilly Sedaghat does.

Jaime Saavedra

Jaime Saavedra

Leading efforts by the largest financier of education in more than 80 developing countries, Dr. Jaime Saavedra’s global perspective, forged by Fulbright, has shaped his life’s work: to use education to fight poverty and inequality worldwide.