Mona Khoury-Kassabri

Headshot of a woman with glasses, a necklace, and a blue blazer and white top.

Dr. Mona Khoury-Kassabri is a history maker. Her continued role in academics and administration at Hebrew University, informed by her Fulbright Visiting Scholar experience at the University of Chicago, empowers underrepresented communities through education.

Hilda Ochoa-Brillembourg

Hilda Ochoa-Brillembourg presents Luis Almagro (right) of the Organization of American States (OAS) with the 2018 Global Leadership Award on behalf of the Youth Orchestra of the Americas (YOA). Hilda wears a light gray blazer and light blue silk scarf and round glasses and holds a light blue bag and a set of thin books in both hands. Luis wears a black suit with an aqua tie, holding a trophy.

Hilda Ochoa-Brillembourg knows about returns on investment, having served as the chief investment officer for the World Bank for 12 years and as the founder and chairwoman of Strategic Investment Group. When she says, “I cannot think of a better return on investment” for the opportunity Fulbright provided, she speaks from experience. 

Sophie V. Vandebroek

Sophie Vandebroek speaking on a panel with a headset mic. Another woman sits in front of her, to the side, blurred since the focus is on Sophie.

Dr. Sophie V. Vandebroek has held leadership roles at multinational companies including IBM, Xerox, and IDEXX Laboratories, and holds 14 United States patents. Throughout her impressive career, she has always emphasized the benefits of working with diverse and entrepreneurial colleagues from around the world.

Joy Buolamwini

Joy Buolamwini in pink eyeglasses, a tweed blazer, and a a colorful scarf holding a white theater mask and standing in front of a whiteboard covered in phrases related to implicit bias and healthcare

Joy Buolamwini is a leader and innovator making the world a more equitable place. A graduate researcher at MIT, Buolamwini leads projects that span the globe. She empowers young people to create technologies that serve their communities, encourages women to enter STEM fields, and uncovers inherent biases in the algorithms that shape our lives.

Albert Manero

Albert Manero holding up a prosthetic arm in one hand while he raises his other hand to compare

Albert Manero, a 2014 U.S. Student to Germany, is also the President, CEO, and co-founder of Limbitless Solutions, a nonprofit organization that creates and donates bionic arms to children with limb differences. The organization aims to provide affordable prosthetics to families and give kids a way to express themselves.

Javier Solana

Dr. Javier Solana serving as Secretary General for NATO.

Dr. Francisco Javier Solana de Madariaga, a Spanish physicist and politician, has used his professional career in academia and government to advocate for international cooperation among European nations, the United States, and the world.

Ambassador Julia Chang Bloch

Ambassador Julia Chang Bloch speaking at an event with two young people at the table

For Ambassador Julia Chang Bloch, diplomacy is a calling. As an expert in international affairs, she believes that one of the most powerful tools for increasing mutual understanding is soft power, achieved not through official diplomatic channels, but through person-to-person exchange.

Ambassador Thomas R. Pickering

Thomas R. Pickering, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations

Ambassador Thomas R. Pickering, a retired U.S. diplomat whose career has spanned four decades, has advanced diplomacy and mutual understanding around the world. He holds the title of Career Ambassador, the highest title in the U.S. Foreign Service; speaks five languages and holds the 2002 Lifetime Contributions to American Diplomacy Award from the American Foreign Service Association.

Margaret “Peg” Snyder

Margaret "Peg" Snyder headshot

Dr. Margaret “Peg” Snyder is known internationally as the “United Nations’ first feminist.” As the Founding Director of UN Women, she worked to promote and acknowledge women’s contributions to societies around the world.

Lee Evans

At the 1968 Summer Olympic Games, after winning two gold medals and setting a world record, Lee Evans participated in one of the most famous displays of activism in Olympic history. On the medal podium, Evans donned a black beret and raised his fist in the Black Power salute.