Jonathan Rabb

How do you build and maintain community in digital spaces? It’s a question Jonathan Rabb has asked and answered throughout his career as a journalist, television host, researcher, and CEO. Read more about Jonathan’s work and how his Fulbright experience helped him forge his path.

Diana Wells

Often referred to as a “social innovation champion,” Dr. Diana Wells has used her many international experiences to positively impact under-resourced communities by fostering social entrepreneurship and changemaking. “Fulbright certainly did have an impact on my career and trajectory.”

Her Excellency Dame Ivy Dumont

Her Excellency Dame Ivy Dumont’s passion for learning and forging connections is evident in her service to the people of the Bahamas and in her own personal journey as a wife, mother, teacher, public servant, Fulbright alum, author, and the first woman to serve as Governor-General of the Bahamas. Genuine leadership, in her words, is “an attitude of the heart.”

Rishi Sunak

Fulbright produces leaders who strive to make a positive impact on their communities. In some cases, Fulbright alumni like Rishi Sunak lead through public service with the goal of finding solutions to complex challenges at the local, national, and international level.