Lee Evans

At the 1968 Summer Olympic Games, after winning two gold medals and setting a world record, Lee Evans participated in one of the most famous displays of activism in Olympic history. On the medal podium, Evans donned a black beret and raised his fist in the Black Power salute.

Bay Fang

Over the course of her 20-plus year career as a journalist and diplomat, Bay Fang has never wavered in her belief in the importance of a free and independent press as an empowering force. Her experiences on the ground, including her 1995 Fulbright U.S. Student award to Hong Kong researching Asia-Pacific economic cooperation (APEC), positioned her on the front lines of the fight to protect free and independent media.

Harrison “Jack” Schmitt

Dr. Harrison Schmitt was the first scientist on a U.S. spaceflight and is one of only 12 people to set foot on the moon. As part of the Apollo 17 crew, Dr. Schmitt landed in the Moon’s Valley of Taurus-Littrow on December 11, 1972, and collected more than 240 pounds of lunar rock samples to bring back to Earth. His unique career as an astronaut, geologist, and U.S. senator was built upon the cornerstone of his Fulbright experience.

Zahi Hawass

Dr. Zahi Hawass is a witness to history. A renowned archaeologist, Egyptian government official, and public intellectual, Dr. Hawass received his Ph.D. in Egyptology in 1987 from the University of Pennsylvania, where he also earned a master’s degree as a Fulbrighter, which Dr. Hawass believes “changed [his] life,” making him a good Egyptologist with a “vision for the future.”

Fulbright Day: Korea – July 27

In celebration of the worldwide Fulbright Program’s 75th anniversary, Fulbright Korea hosted a webinar exploring the impact of the Fulbright Program among members and friends of the North Korean Defector (NKD) community.